Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Serial paedophile who changed his name to Michael Jackson is jailed indefinitely for 'truly horrific' abduction and sex attack on boy, 10, who escaped from cupboard and waved for help from window

  • The pervert, 50, grabbed the boy as he went to the shops and kept him prisoner in his flat
  • In the harrowing attack he trussed up the boy and threw him in a cupboard before sexually assaulting him
  • He escaped when he was spotted through a window - when the paedophile had left the flat
  • Jackson, whose real name is Albert English, also admitted he had abducted a girl, 10, two months earlier

Paedophile: Michael Jackson held the child prisoner for three hours and sexually assaulting him after being dragged into his flat
Paedophile: Michael Jackson held the child prisoner for three hours and sexually assaulting him after being dragged into his flat
A ‘predatory paedophile’ who changed his name to Michael Jackson has been jailed indefinitely for snatching a ten-year-old boy off the street in broad daylight.

The sex attacker – who took the name of the late singer to impress a former wife – was branded the ‘stuff of every parent’s nightmare’ by the judge who sentenced him yesterday.
Jackson, 50, marched the victim to his housing association flat and threatened him at knifepoint, telling him, ‘Scream and I’ll kill you’, before pushing him into an airing cupboard, trussed up and naked from the waist down.

During a three-and-a-half hour ordeal the boy was sexually assaulted and told that if he cried out his father would be murdered and he would never see his mother again.
Jackson then left the flat to build up an alibi by visiting friends, shutting the child in the cupboard to be further abused at his ‘leisure’.
Wolverhampton Crown Court heard the victim had been popping to a corner shop for his mother when Jackson pounced in Oldbury, West Midlands, last November.
Jackson, who was known to the authorities after committing similar offences in the 1980s, had attempted to snatch the same boy four days earlier, chasing him to his front door.
The boy’s mother said in a victim impact statement that the incidents had turned the family’s life ‘upside down’, with the boy now too scared to venture out without his dog to protect him.
Judge Martin Walsh yesterday warned the former pirate radio DJ he may never be released and ordered him to serve a minimum of seven years before becoming eligible to apply for parole.
He said: ‘It is simply impossible to imagine the sheer terror experienced by that young child as a result of your actions.

‘I’m satisfied that had he not escaped, this young boy would have been subjected to serious sexual assaults or worse.’
No emotion: Jackson grabbed the 10-year-old boy when he went on a trip to local shops in November, 2011
No emotion: Jackson grabbed the 10-year-old boy when he went on a trip to local shops in November, 2011
Crime scene: Police guard the block of flats in Oldbury, West Midlands, where predatory paedophile, Michael Jackson abducted a 10-year-old
Crime scene: Police guard the block of flats in Oldbury, West Midlands, where predatory paedophile, Michael Jackson abducted a 10-year-old
The judge warned it was likely to be ‘very many years, if ever’ before Jackson would be judged fit for release.

Debi Gould, prosecuting, said: ‘Nobody can imagine the terror  of such an experience for such a little boy.’
The child was freed after shuffling to a window when Jackson left and shouting to a family friend who was out searching for him.
After Jackson was arrested, a ten-year-old girl came forward to reveal how she had been abducted, tied up and photographed by Jackson two months earlier, before he ‘mercifully’ released her.
Jackson moved to the flat where the crime took place – in a block run by a housing association which works to help resettle ex-offenders – in 2008 to be closer to his family.
Tribute: Michael Jackson, formerly known as Albert English, with his now ex-wife Lisa Grose - had a large cut-out of the popstar Michael Jackson
Tribute: Michael Jackson, formerly known as Albert English, with his now ex-wife Lisa Grose - had a large cut-out of the popstar Michael Jackson
Investigation: Forensic teams examine Jackson's window where the boy was seen with his arms bound and a white sheet wrapped around his body
Investigation: Forensic teams examine Jackson's window where the boy was seen with his arms bound and a white sheet wrapped around his body
The paedophile, born Albert English, has amassed 20 convictions for 73 offences dating back to 1976, including two similar sexual assaults from the early 1980s.
He was jailed for 30 months after he dragged a 13-year-old girl out of a lift at knifepoint in 1983 and took her to his tower block flat at Smethwick, three miles from Oldbury.

After tying her up with her own laces he molested her during a seven-hour ordeal. She said he only let her leave the property alive after she promised to be his girlfriend. That victim lives just streets away from the boy he attacked last November.
Jackson, who has at least one grown-up child, admitted kidnap, sexual assault, false imprisonment and kidnap with intent to commit a sexual offence in relation to the boy’s disappearance.
He also admitted the abduction of the ten-year-old girl and was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register.

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