- Terrifying footage emerged earlier this week showing football referee Cristobal Piñero being gored in the town of Monovar
- Revealed how moving his head by just a fraction as the bull bore down on him for a second time 'almost certainly' saved his life
- Suffered fractured shoulder, broken right wrist, two splintered ribs and bruises on his legs

Vow: Cristobal Piñero recovering at hospital
Terrifying footage emerged earlier this week showing football referee Cristobal Piñero being launched from a three metre high 'pyramid' ramp and then attacked twice on the ground by the beast.
Today, speaking from his hospital bed, he has revealed how moving his head by just a fraction as the bull bore down on him for a second time 'almost certainly' saved his life.
Waiting to be operated on for a fractured shoulder, broken right wrist, two splintered ribs and bruises on his legs, he thanked the the brave onlookers who came to his rescue.
He said that without the help of those at the Monovar bullring, who distracted the bull so he could be carried out, he probably would not 'be here anymore'.
He added: 'This goring will be the last because I'm not getting in the ring any more and, if I go again to see the bulls in the future it will be to watch it from the side.
'I was very close to death, one of the horns passed just centimetres away from my head when I was on the floor, and now I'm suffering. I don't want to put myself in that situation again.'

Dangerous: Today, speaking from his hospital
bed, he has revealed how moving his head by just a fraction as the bull
bore down on him for a second time 'almost certainly' saved his life
He was reportedly well known in his youth for spontaneously jumping over the bullring barrier at local bullfights.

Three men wait on and near a three metre high
'pyramid' ramp just before a bull, lurking near the edge of the ring,
brutally attacks one of them during a Spanish town's fiestas

Terrifying: The bull charges up the ramp towards one of the men and he tries to flee away from the beast
Of Monday's incident, the Sax resident said: 'It was all my fault. I took too many risks and was too confident because I didn't think the bull would climb the stairs so quickly.
'I stopped and he threw me powerfully, I got caught, and in that moment I was already regretting getting into that situation.
'I didn't lose conciousness at any moment, and I could see him flying down the stairs and I thought that was the end for me. But it wasn't, thank God.'

The man is tossed into the air by the charging bull which has made its way onto the top of the platform

The bull tramples on the 59-year-old man who is left with 'multiple injuries'
This could be especially true, seeing as he broke his left wrist in a similar situation just three years ago and has undergone four operations to heal it.
The incident, in the south-eastern province of Alicante, came during the town of Monovar's fiestas - an annual seven-day celebration at the start of each September.
Each afternoon of the festivities sees four young bulls released, one at a time, into the town's bullring for a 20-minute run-around.
'Runners' are encouraged to sprint past the animals and 'show their bravado' in the event which is common-place in many towns across the country.
The 'vaca', as it is dubbed by locals, regularly attracts hundreds of spectators - but unlike a bullfight does not end with the animal's death.
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