Thursday, August 9, 2012

Father stabbed by his girlfriend with kitchen knife after throwing away her diet pills to stop her 'addiction'

A man spoke of the terrifying moment his girlfriend butchered him with a kitchen knife because he threw away her diet pills.
Royce Ali, 45, was stabbed in the chest and arms by savage Andrea Madden, 29, after a row sparked by her ‘dependence' on the weight loss drugs.
The furious lover turned on him with a knife after he admitted throwing the tablets away because he was concerned Madden had 'started showing signs of getting withdrawn'.
Royce Ali, 45, was stabbed in the chest and arms by savage Andrea Madden, 29, (pictured) after a row sparked by her 'dependence' on weight loss drugs
Royce Ali, 45, was stabbed in the chest and arms by savage Andrea Madden, 29, (pictured) after a row sparked by her 'dependence' on weight loss drugs
Madden was jailed for seven years after she was convicted by a jury following a trial at Maidstone Crown Court.
But Royce, a security engineer, has been left heartbroken by the 'soul destroying' incident saying he had always supported his girlfriend.
Today, he told of the horror of being attacked by someone he loved - then being lied about in court.

Father-of-two Royce, from Gravesend, Kent, said: 'She'd had an argument with my son about the washing up and had gone upstairs.
'I went up to see her and she said it was over between us so I said ‘if that's the case, why don't you leave?'
'My son and daughter went out and within about five minutes she came back downstairs screaming and I told her to get out.
The father-of-two's furious lover turned on him with a knife after he admitted throwing the tablets away
The father-of-two's furious lover turned on him with a knife after he admitted throwing the tablets away
'She took a knife from the block and just began stabbing me. I couldn't believe what she was doing. I didn't even know I'd been stabbed until I looked down and saw it.
'I was struggling with her trying to get the knife and she ran off and got the house phone.
'I said ‘what have you done? Call an ambulance' and then I heard her calling the police saying ‘help me, help me, I've been attacked'.'
The couple had been together for four years and Royce says he had supported Madden through difficulties.
Most of the time they were happy, but her own personal difficulties and problems with previous relationships had made her depressed, he said.
He added: 'I was her support and always there for her. She was sectioned twice and I was down at the hospital every day.
'She would often go off into her own world. I told her she needed to get some counselling and talk to people about it but she always refused.
'The biggest thing that hurts the most is that this ever happened at all.
'I couldn't believe she would stab me and then not admit it. I was always there for her and she just made up lies about me.
'Being in court and hearing her lawyer saying what she said I'd done was soul destroying.
'I'm just hoping that while she's in jail she gets the support and help she needs.
'It's no use just sending her to jail because she could just come out and do it again.'
The argument erupted on January 29 when Madden discovered Royce had thrown away her diet pills.
The argument then escalated because she fell out with his son his son Grant, 23, over washing up.
Following the row Royce told Madden to get out of his house before the furious lover went 'mad' and attacked him with a knife.
Madden, of no fixed address, denied wounding with intent, but was convicted by a jury at Maidstone Crown Court last Thursday.
She is expected to serve two-thirds of her sentence, less 182 days already spent in custody on remand.
Giving evidence Royce told the court: 'I had already told her I was going to throw them away.
'She started showing signs of getting withdrawn and stuff. It was the effect they were having on her.'
He was taken to King's College Hospital, London, and his wounds were stitched up.
Royce's 13-year-old daughter was also in the house when the argument erupted.

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