Thursday, August 9, 2012

Boy, 12, withdrew £2,000 from savings account to buy cannabis to sell to friends

  • Young drug dealer, from Exeter, Devon, had drugs with a street value of £230
  • He made five cash withdrawals from his bank account in the eight days before his arrest
  • Text messages on his phone suggested he was planning to deal drugs after school, court hears

A 12-year-old drug dealer caught with skunk cannabis had withdrawn £2,000 from his bank account in the days beforehand, a court heard.

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was carrying his Nationwide bank book and 23 grams of the drug when police stopped him in a park.

Details of the case emerged today when the boy, who has previous convictions for burglary, was sentenced for supplying a Class B drug with intent to supply.
Illegal: The 12-year-old boy was found carrying cannabis with a street value of £230
Illegal: The 12-year-old boy was found carrying cannabis with a street value of £230
The boy was arrested on October 19 last year after police approached a group of youths in Heavitree Park in Exeter, Devon.

Officers took a large bag from him and found it contained skunk cannabis with a street value of £230.

Further checks found that the boy, from Exeter, had made five cash withdrawals from his personal bank account in the eight days before he was caught.
Prosecutor Ann Hampshire told Exeter Youth Court: 'When he was searched he had in his possession a quantity of small plastic bags of the type which deals of drugs can be placed.

'He had on him his Nationwide bank book, a mobile phone and a small quantity of cannabis.'

As well as the cannabis, which the prosecution claimed was due to be sold in £10 deals, the boy possessed £240 in cash.

Miss Hampshire said police examining his phone found damning text messages which suggested drug dealing, such as ‘Do you need any stink?’ and ‘I can get you £25 worth, is that alright?’
The prosecutor said the boy had intended to deal the drugs after school.

'It was a clear indication of his intention to supply cannabis to a friend or an acquaintance,' she said.

When interviewed by police, the boy claimed he had found the cannabis and bags in a rubbish bin near some toilets in the park - but there were no bins in the area.

He told police he was a cannabis smoker and said he recognised some of the smaller drug deal bags from seeing crime shows on television.
Narcotic: A dried bud of skunk cannabis. Exeter Youth Court heard that the 12-year-old boy intended to sell the drug in £10 deals
Narcotic: A dried bud of skunk cannabis. Exeter Youth Court heard that the 12-year-old boy intended to sell the drug in £10 deals
The boy admitted possessing a Class B drug with intent to supply and was given an 18-month youth rehabilitation order.

Speaking directly to the three magistrates in court, the boy said he knew what he had done was wrong.

'I should not have done it,' he said. 'It is not worth it anymore.'

The boy apologised to his mother, who was weeping in court during the hearing, adding: 'I am sorry for stuff I have done to her.'

Defence lawyer Stephen Nunn said the boy was supplying a friend who had bemoaned the fact that another dealer had ripped him off over a deal and he had lost his money.

Mr Nunn added: 'He had come into some money and was free to buy the sort of things lads do, not just cannabis.'

Ordering that his phone, drugs and bags be destroyed, the magistrates told the boy: 'It was your offence and it is your responsibility. Behave yourself and follow the rules.'

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