Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Meet Cooper the Great Dane who could steal the crown for the world’s tallest female dog at a whopping 36.5inches

It's quite a tall order but this lanky pooch has just one ambition - to become the world's tallest female dog.
Great Dane Cooper stands at a staggering 36.5inches tall soaring above the current record holder who is one inch smaller, and has been entered in to the Guinness Book of Records.
Now the five-year-old hound is waiting for the judges to crown her with the prestigious title of world's tallest female pooch for herself and her long legs.
Head and shoulder above the rest: Great Dane Cooper with her tiny friend Yorkshire Terrier Glen
Head and shoulder above the rest: Great Dane Cooper with her tiny friend Yorkshire Terrier Glen
And she may be head and shoulders above the rest at three feet tall - but the hound isn't too high and mighty to make friends with a pint-sized Yorkshire Terrier.
Great Dane Cooper met fellow thespian and tiny terrier Glen as she was about to make her stage debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Cooper is owned by American actress Wendy Peace who on her acting website says she has moved to London from New York, and stars alongside her in Listen, The River, by New York Group Rising Solo, which is being performed at this year's theatrical event/
It tells the story of Turbo the cat and his longing for the sounds of the river after he is forced to leave his rural home for New York City.
Cooper is the inspiration for the character Peekaboo, a one-eyed Great Dane who nobody wants because he is partially blind.
Owner Wendy said: 'She was meant to go on stage, but she's not a great actress. So she's interning at the minute, paying her dues, and maybe she'll be able to go on stage when she's worked hard enough.'

A proportion of ticket sales will benefit the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, where Yorkshire Terrier Glen is currently living while waiting to be adopted.
The world's tallest female dog, Cooper, pictured in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, UK with owner Wendy Peace
The world's tallest female dog, Cooper, and her friend Glen, pictured in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, UK with owner Wendy Peace
Friends in high places: Cooper the Great Dane is not too high and mighty to lark around
Ms Peace said that she has cared for Cooper since she was a pup - and deliberately chose a female Great Dane because they do not grow as tall as males.
But she said: 'They are meant to stop growing after a year, but she kept getting taller and taller.
'She has very long legs and she got bigger than all the male dogs in her neighbourhood.
'It was just crazy.'
When she is not standing behind the curtain, the gentle giant visits hospitals and the elderly as a pet therapy dog.
Studies show that her visits to chemotherapy patients reduce patients blood pressure and encourage them to continue their treatment.
Ms Peace said: 'She goes in and says hi, people love her. What's great is that she's so tall that people don't have to bend over to pet her, so she's perfect for people in hospital beds or wheelchairs.'
Her popularity extends not just to people too.
Wendy says Cooper adores little dogs - despite their owners fretting the Great Dane will devour them.
Ms Peace says: 'She has so many little dog friends. Her best friend is a little dachshund called Pablo, who cleans her teeth.
Former record-holder Nova has been pipped to the post by her new, taller, rival
Former record-holder Nova has been pipped to the post by her new, taller, rival

Where's my crown? The Great Dane stands at 5ft 11in on her hind legs
Where's my crown? The Great Dane stands at 5ft 11in on her hind legs
'She opens her mouth wide and he leans in and you can see his bottom poking out.
'Small dogs don't have a problem with her, but sometimes their owners worry that she's going to eat them for dinner.'
The current record holder is believed to be another Great Dane called 'Super' Nova, who lives with owner Ann Suplee in Addison, Illinois, U.S.
She was only recently given the title by the Guinness Book of Records and can stand 5ft 11ins on her hind legs.
Four inches taller than her father and eight inches taller than her mother, Nova eats up to 30lbs of food a week.
Despite their imposing size, the Great Dane breed is known as the 'gentle giant' because of their friendly, playful nature.

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