Sunday, August 12, 2012

Egypt president orders military chief Tantawi to retire

Egyptian President, Mohamed Mursi ordered two of the nation’s top generals to retire, including Hussein Tantawi who led the nation after Hosni Mubarak was ousted, and appointed two generals in their place, the presidential spokesman announced on Sunday.
Egypt"s President Mohamed Mursi (R) speaks with Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi at the presidential palace in Cairo during an emergency meeting
President Mohamed Mursi also cancelled a constitutional declaration aiming to limit presidential powers which the ruling army council issued in June as the election that brought Mursi to power drew to a close.
Defence Minister Tantawi, who served Mubarak as a minister for 20 years, and Chief of Staff Sami Enan were both appointed as advisers to Mursi. Spokesman Yasser Ali said the changes among Egypt’s top brass were effective immediately.

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