Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A harvest of death

THE rate at which people are dying in Nigeria is alarming. Even in war times, I am not sure that people die in such large numbers on daily basis.
Our people are dying prematurely from: diseases, extra -judicial killings, terrorist attacks, ritual killings, kidnappings, armed robbery, traffic accidents, plane crashes etc.
A close look at some of these causes reveals that some deaths could have been prevented, if extra care had been taken.
The National Assembly should move to quickly to enact a Health and Safety Act; but if this has been done already, steps must be taken to ensure strict compliance with the provisions therein.
In the UK, the Health and Safety Act is a piece of legislation that enforces compliance with issues relating to health and safety – especially in the work place. This has helped to prevent accidents and needless loss of lives.
One would have thought that a country that takes seriously the well- being of her citizens would not allow an aeroplane that is not airworthy to fly.  In some countries, it would have amounted to criminal negligence for an airline like DANA to fly airplanes without proper maintenance.
Our country should take measures to ensure that only road -worthy vehicles are allowed to ply the roads, and that pot-holes are quickly repaired.
When such legislation is in place, hospital authorities would be held accountable for deaths resulting from sub-standard care.
A little bit of care on the part of each citizen would help Nigeria reduce this harvest of death. Let each one do his bit to preserve the sanctity of human life.

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